anxiety · depression · mental illness · social anxiety · The Blogger · The Journey

On A Tuesday.

So I didn’t want to get out of bed today at all literally dragged myself out of bed around 3pm to take a shower and get dressed only to get back into bed and take a short nap then suddenly I got the urge to get up and make pancakes for dinner. It all going… Continue reading On A Tuesday.

anxiety · mental health · mental illness · social anxiety · The Blogger · The Journey

Bad Days or Weeks: Things to remind yourself.

Yesterday I had a break down something that hasn’t happened in a bit I’m just feeling so frustrated I want to block the world and just not deal with anything wishing I had a magic wish to make everything better one of those weeks where I felt like I took one step forward but then… Continue reading Bad Days or Weeks: Things to remind yourself.

anxiety · mental health · mental illness · social anxiety · The Blogger

Am I Being Over Sensitive?

It was that time again to go see my psychiatrist this would be my second time to talk about how the medication he prescribed me is going I liked him the first time we met so I didn’t feel as anxious anymore. What I didn’t expect is to walk away from the visit feeling judged.… Continue reading Am I Being Over Sensitive?

mental health · social anxiety · Uncategorized

When Acceptance is worst than Rejection

The state of my mind is that i have teached my brain into thinking in ways that are very irrational having social anxiety has rule half my life even though I just began some sort of treatment I still have a long way to go. The thing about social anxiety is that it gets triggered… Continue reading When Acceptance is worst than Rejection